Family : Rosaceae
Class : Floribunda

Text and pictures © Giuseppe Mazza

English translation by Mario Beltramini
This Floribunda with medium-large flowers in clusters, at times isolated, was born in Germany in Kordes’ nurseries in 1998 to be baptized in Germany in 2012 with the name of ‘Constance Mozart’, in memory of the wife of the famous composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. In 2015 is registered in USA with the same commercial name and in France as ‘La Belle Ferronière’, but is also known as ‘First Crush’.
Medium sized shrub, with a maximum height of 80 cm and half a metre broad, with glossy medium green leaves.
The flowers, with 26-40 pink-cream petals arranged in a cup, may surpass the diametre of 8 cm and have a sweet fragrance of ripe fruit with notes of peach, apricots and a touch of vanilla.
Variety in bud with more cycles in garden during all the vegetative season, utilizable at home as cut flower.
Variety denomination : KORmaccap
Awards :
2012 - Baden b. Wien/Vienna 7th Prize
2015 - Belfast Certificate of Merit - Kortrijk Courtrai Gold Medal
→ History of the rose : from the Wild Roses towards a perfect rose.
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