Text © Giuseppe Mazza
English translation by Ignacio Barrionuevo
Annonaceae is a large family of trees and bushes, with a pantropical distribution, which are cultivated for their edible fruits, essential oils and medicinal properties.
Primitive flowering plants, with scented corollae that usually open before being fully developed.
Related to magnolias they count about 2,100 species belonging to the following genera:
Afroguatteria, Alphonsea, Ambavia, Anaxagorea, Ancana, Annickia, Annona, Anomianthus, Anonidium, Artabotrys, Asimina, Asteranthe, Balonga, Bocagea, Bocageopsis, Boutiquea, Cananga, Cardiopetalum, Chieniodendron, Cleistochlamys, Cleistopholis, Craibella, Cremastosperma, Cyathocalyx, Cyathostemma, Cymbopetalum, Dasymaschalon, Deeringothamnus, Dendrokingstonia, Dennettia, Desmopsis, Desmos, Diclinanona, Dielsiothamnus, Disepalum, Drepananthus, Duckeanthus, Duguetia, Ellipeiopsis, Enicosanthum, Ephedranthus, Exellia, Fenerivia, Fissistigma, Fitzalania, Friesodielsia, Froesiodendron, Fusaea, Gilbertiella, Goniothalamus, Greenwayodendron, Guatteria, Haplostichanthus, Heteropetalum, Hexalobus, Hornschuchia, Isolona, Klarobelia, Letestudoxa, Lettowianthus, Maasia, Malmea, Marsypopetalum, Meiocarpidium, Meiogyne, Melodorum, Mezzettia, Mezzettiopsis, Miliusa, Mischogyne, Mitrella, Mitrephora, Mkilua, Monanthotaxis, Monocarpia, Monocyclanthus, Monodora, Mosannona, Neo-uvaria, Neostenanthera, Onychopetalum, Ophrypetalum, Orophea, Oxandra, Oxymitra, Pachypodanthium, Papualthia, Phaeanthus, Phoenicanthus, Piptostigma, Platymitra, Polyalthia, Polyceratocarpus, Popowia, Porcelia, Pseudannona, Pseudartabotrys, Pseudephedranthus, Pseudomalmea, Pseudoxandra, Pseuduvaria, Pyramidanthe, Raimondia, Richella, Rollinia, Rolliniopsis, Ruizodendron, Sageraea, Sanrafaelia, Sapranthus, Schefferomitra, Sphaerocoryne, Stelechocarpus, Stenanona, Tetrameranthus, Tetrastemma, Toussaintia, Tridimeris, Trigynaea, Trivalvaria, Unona, Unonopsis, Uvaria, Uvariastrum, Uvariodendron, Uvariopsis, Woodiellantha, Xylopia.
→ To appreciate the biodiversity within ANNONACEAE family please click here.