Text © Giuseppe Mazza
English translation by Ignacio Barrionuevo
The Aizoaceae are a family of pantropical flower plants, but centered in South Africa, counting about 2,300 species belonging to the following genera:
Acrodon, Acrosanthes, Aethephyllum, Aizoanthemum, Aizoon, Aloinopsis, Amphibolia, Antegibbaeum, Antimima, Apatesia, Arenifera, Argyroderma, Astridia, Bergeranthus, Berresfordia, Bijlia, Braunsia, Brianhuntleya, Calamophyllum, Carpanthea, Carpobrotus, Carruanthus, Caryotophora, Cephalophyllum, Cerochlamys, Chasmatophyllum, Cheiridopsis, Circandra, Cleretum, Conicosia, Conophytum, Corpuscularia, Cylindrophyllum, Cypselea, Deilanthe, Delosperma, Dicrocaulon, Didymaotus, Dinteranthus, Diplosoma, Disphyma, Dorotheanthus, Dracophilus, Drosanthemum, Eberlanzia, Ebracteola, Enarganthe, Erepsia, Esterhuysenia, Eurystigma, Faucaria, Fenestraria, Frithia, Galenia, Gibbaeum, Glottiphyllum, Gunniopsis, Hallianthus, Hammeria, Hereroa, Herrea, Herreanthus, Hymenocyclus, Hymenogyne, Ihlenfeldtia, Jacobsenia, Jensenobotrya, Jordaaniella, Juttadinteria, Kensitia, Khadia, Lampranthus, Lapidaria, Leipoldtia, Lithops, Machairophyllum, Macrocaulon, Malephora, Maughaniella, Mesembryanthemum, Mestoklema, Meyerophytum, Micropterum, Mitrophyllum, Monilaria, Mossia, Muiria, Namaquanthus, Namibia, Nananthus, Nelia, Neohenricia, Neorhine, Octopoma, Odontophorus, Oophytum, Ophthalmophyllum, Opophytum, Orthopterum, Oscularia, Ottosonderia, Peersia, Phyllobolus, Pleiospilos, Plinthus, Polymita, Prenia, Prepodesma, Psammophora, Psilocaulon, Punctillaria, Rabiea, Rhinephyllum, Rhombophyllum, Ruschia, Ruschianthemum, Ruschianthus, Saphesia, Sarcozona, Sceletium, Schlechteranthus, Schwantesia, Sesuvium, Skiatophytum, Smicrostigma, Sphalmanthus, Stayneria, Stigmatocarpum, Stoeberia, Stomatium, Synaptophyllum, Tanquana, Tetragonia, Thyrasperma, Titanopsis, Trianthema, Tribulocarpus, Trichodiadema, Vanheerdea, Vanzijlia, Verrucifera, Vlokia, Wooleya, Zaleya, Zeuktophyllum.
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