Family : Malvaceae

Text © Pietro Puccio

English translation by Mario Beltramini

The Abutilon x hybridum is an evergreen shrub that may exceed the height of 3 m © Giuseppe Mazza
The name of the genus comes from the Arabic name “aubūtīlūn”, given by the great Persian philosopher and physician Abu ‘Ali al-Husayn ibn Sina (980-1037), known in the western world with the name of Avicenna, to a species belonging to the family of the Malvaceae.
It is commonly known as: “Indian mallow”, “flowering maple”, “parlour maple”, “weeping maple”, “Chinese lantern”, “Chinese bellflower” (English); “Samtapfel”, “Abutilon weiss”, “Schönmalve”, “Zimmerahorn” (German); “lanterna japonesa”, “lanterninha japonesa” (Portuguese); “érable d’appartement” (French); “farolito japonés”, “candilitos chinos”, “linterna china” (Spanish).
It is a matter of evergreen shrubs which can surpass the three metres of height, if cultivated in the open ground where the climate allows so, but usually kept lower and compact with convenient pruning; the leaves, with an ovate to lobed form, are of a pale green colour, but there are also white and yellow variegated varieties. The flowers, hermaphrodite, pendulous, bell-shaped, of a diameter of about 7-8 cm, are of white, yellow, orange and red colour, depending on the variety, and are produced during the whole vegetative season. It reproduces by seed, which germinates in 2-3 weeks, and by semi-woody cutting in summer, and woody in winter.

Grouping of hybrids obtained in Europe since '800 from various species of Abutilon of South American origin, mainly A. darwinii, A. pictum and A. striatum © G. Mazza
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